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DK Verse Intellectual Property List

Trademarks play a pivotal role in identifying and distinguishing the source of goods or services. They may encompass words, phrases, symbols, and designs. For materials distributed within India, it is essential to use the appropriate TM, SM, or ® symbols to clearly indicate trademark status. For global distributions, while the use of trademark symbols might not always be mandatory, it is important to include a suitable trademark attribution notice.


The DK Verse Intellectual Property guide offers comprehensive guidance on the correct use and representation of our trademarks. To ensure accurate and consistent representation, utilize the recommended generic descriptions for each trademark listed by DK Verse. When referring to a trademark in publications, include the relevant generic term upon its first appearance, and maintain this usage throughout the document.


Trademarks should always be used as adjectives and must not be converted into verbs, pluralized, or made possessive. Misuse of trademarks can dilute their distinctiveness and impact their legal protection. The absence of a trademarked name or logo from DK Verse’s registered list does not imply a waiver of our intellectual property rights associated with that name or logo.


In addition to adhering to these guidelines, it is also important to recognize that trademarks are integral to our brand’s identity and value. Ensuring correct usage supports the protection of our intellectual property and helps maintain the high standards associated with DK Verse. For further clarification or additional support, please refer to the DK Verse Intellectual Property guide or contact our Trademark team directly.


By following these practices, you contribute to preserving the integrity and recognition of DK Verse’s trademarks, thereby supporting the ongoing strength and reputation of our brand.

The list includes updates as of 2024-09-11.

Intellectual Property Name
DK Attire and Finery: The Brand That Defines Everything ®
Clothing brand along with the brand tagline
DK Healthcare ™️
Healthcare Products and Services
DK Relier: A Virtual Connection in to the world of DK ®
Online Platform
DK Stereo ™️
Music Label
DK Wallet ™️
Application Program
DK; DK Verse ©
Logo of DK and Corporate Brand Name
Dasari Udhayam ®
Newspaper and Digital News Service
Destined Love: Love Finds Its way
Feature film title along with the tag line
Diabaid Diabetes Center ®
Diabetes Treatment Services
Murukonda Paradise: The Living Residence ™️
Hospitality Services along with the brand tagline

If you have any questions or comments regarding the list, Please contact the Legal team

* This is a non-exhaustive list of DK Intellectual Property in India (a "non-exhaustive list" is a list that doesn't show every single thing that would otherwise belong on that list).

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